Absorbing Shock
When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. - Fred Rogers One form of trauma is shock. I am fascinated by shock. Electric shock can be used in forms of therapy to change brain chemistry to relieve patients suffering from depression, and it is also used in torture. Yet, on a regular basis, we all experience various forms of shock. Shock is like Surprise's evil twin. It can be something as disturbing as news of a war in a far away country, or a shooting close to home. It can be getting dumped or told, "it was just a fling." Getting fired, or getting rear ended. When it comes to a medical diagnosis, there are multiple ways of experiencing shock, but they all have to do with blood flow ( What You Should Know About Shock, by "Healthline" ). They all involve a reduction in blood pressure. On the one hand, shock can be the result of something big like an obstruction in blood flow to the heart, but it can also be...